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Kindness Charter – Event tourism employment

Employers in the tourism industry take action for their businesses and their employees

As part of the campaign to promote employment in the tourism and events sector, run by the Comité Régional de Tourisme Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Région Sud, in partnership with UMIH Sud and with the support of numerous partners*, professionals in the tourism and events sector are committed to enhancing the value of their professions by promoting quality of life at work, and are inviting employers to sign up to the benevolence charter proposed below. This guarantees employees that the company promotes a relationship based on mutual trust, is committed to well-being in the workplace and cares about their career development.

The signatories adhere to 10 progress initiatives.

– Welcoming, integrating and building loyalty

– Ensuring safety and well-being in the workplace

– Integrate personnel management into a quality approach

– Implement a motivating salary policy

– Develop employability

– Promote people skills and know-how

– Valuing acquired skills and experience

– Enable active participation in company life

– Facilitate professionalization and career development

– Encouraging mobility between professions and generations


To sign the Charter :

Charte de bienveillance | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Tourisme (

*partners supporting the approach :

The aim is to make jobs in the tourism and events sector more attractive, and to promote job vacancies by relaying the campaign aimed at attracting jobseekers, young graduates and seasonal workers. The campaign links to a single site that centralizes all vacancies in our region, available via Pôle emploi and

Here is the link to the website dedicated to job offers in our region:

This campaign, illustrated by employees working in our region’s establishments, will highlight the values conveyed by these professions: team spirit and initiative, attention to detail, good humor, human relations and attachment to our region. It will target jobseekers and those undergoing retraining to meet short-term needs. It will also be aimed at young people, to motivate them to choose tourism-oriented studies to prepare for the future.